The city of Yazd in Yazd Province is the spectacular city of mudbrick structures and windcatchers. The word “yazd” comes from the word “izad” which means God in Farsi. This is especially significant given the city’s association with Zoroastrianism. With the Arabic conquest of Iran after the Sassanid period, around 4th century, the city became mainly populated by Zoroastrians. As such, the city has been a home to Zoroastrians for over a millennium.

Because of its location close to the desert, the architecture of the city has won international recognition. So much so that the entire city has been registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The majority of its buildings are made by mudbrick which help the moderation of temperatures in the winter and summer. Other important features are the domes and windcatchers installed in many buildings. Here you will also see covered passageways instead of streets. These are called “Sabat” and were built to protect the pedestrians from the scorching heat of the sun. There are also many Zoroastrian buildings and cultural centers in the city.

Another singular feature of the city is its qanats. Qanats are an Iranian innovation; underground channels which transport water from places with higher altitudes to lowlands.

Do you wonder why you should see the city and what you can see there? Check out this post.

Water Museum

The importance of water in a city on the edge of the desert is more emphatically highlighted than in any other place. That’s why one of the top tourist destinations of the city is its Water Museum. The museum was established in 2000, in the historical “Kolahdooz” house, dating back to the 19th century.

From the outside, this looks like a plain one-storey building. But we recommend you to enter the house and descend the stairs until the very end. At the bottom, you will see channels connecting two ancient qanats of Zarch and Rahimabad. Yes, the house has been built over streams of water originating in these two qanats and channels the water outside, through a well. At this spot, there will be four floors above you, with each floor serving a purpose.

In addition, the architecture is a true example of a historical house in Yazd. It shows how the residents built their houses to stay cool in hot summer days.

Amir Chakhmaq Complex

One of the top tourist attractions of Yazd is the Amir Chakhmaq Complex, located in one of the city’s squares. The first building of the complex was built in 15th century, with the order of Yazd’s Governor, Amir Jalal al-Din Chakhmaq.

The complex includes a bazaar, bathhouse, tekyeh, and mausoleum. Even though today it is one of the icons of Yazd, a great part of its bazaar was destroyed during early 20th century. Here you will also see a 450-year-old nakhl, an edifice used for the mourning rituals of Ashura.


The clocktower, also known as the Markar clock, was built in 1942 in the center of Markar Square of Yazd. Markar was in fact a Zoroastrian from India who sponsored the construction of the clock tower in Yazd.

The towers location in Yazd is exactly in the center of Iran. It took 7 years to build this 4-meter-high tower which consists of 3 parts. The clock’s engine is located on top of the tower and is tuned every week. Interesting stories have been spun about this tower.

Mirror & Lighting Museum

Yazd’s Mirror and Lighting Museum is a must-see attraction in the city. In addition to the objects, the museum’s building itself is in a sense a museum. The pavilion was built in 1942 in a vast garden of 8174 square meters. Mr. Saraf Zadeh, a merchant and lawyer, had the mansion to be built and used as a guesthouse. The place was turned into a museum in 1996.

As mentioned above, the house’s architecture and design are of significant importance. Its architecture is a combination of Iranian and European techniques. The mirrorwork, stained glass, and stucco used in the interior design have contributed to the charming beauty of the mansion. Different objects are put on display here, while some of its rooms are occasionally used as galleries.

Atash Bahram

As you may already know, fire is held sacred in Zoroastrianism. According to Zoroastrian belief and tradition, there are different grades of fire. The highest grade of fire is called Atash Bahram. This is an eternally burning fire which is prepared by 16 types of fire gathered and purified to be placed at a Zoroastrin fire temple.

The last of nine Atash Bahram fires is being kept in the Zoroastrian Fire Temple of Yazd. It has been burning for about 1500 years now, and has traveled to different cities until it was finally housed in Yazd’s fire temple. The fire temple was built in 1934. Visitors need to follow special directions in order to be accepted in the fire temple.

Dowlat Abad Garden

In Dowlat Abad Garden, you will find one of the beautiful tourist attractions of Yazd. In this oasis of lush gardens, you will see all the genius architectural techniques used in Yazd.

In addition to representing the unique Persian Garden Structure, the Garden also includes a number of chambers and pavilions. Perhaps the most generally recognized structure of the garden is the wind catcher Pavilion. The pool inside the structure is filled by water that originates in a 200-year-old qanat. This water also flows outside and pours into the streams and pools outside. The other buildings include: The Entrance Edifice, Sardar Edifice, The Mirror Hall, Tehrani Edifice, and a coffee shop.


What are the top attractions to visit in Yazd?

Yazd is a gem in the desert. The mudbrick city of Iran has many tourist attractions that shape the identity of the city. These attractions include:
• Yazd Water Museum
• Amri Chakhmaq Complex
• The Clocktower
• The Mirror and Lighting Museum
• Atash Bahram Fire Temple
• Dowlat Abad Garden

What are the best outdoor activities in Yazd?

Once in Yazd, you can explore the city’s mudbrick houses where domes and windcatcher moderate the temperatures. You can take a walk in the city’s covered passageways called sabat. In addition to this, you can also go sightseeing. Since Yazd is known as the city of bicycles, you will also see many cyclers across the city.

What are the most popular things to do in Yazd with kids?

Have your children seen cities near the desert? Well, Yazd is their chance to see one. This will be one of kind experience for them. On a sightseeing tour of the city, they will learn many things about sustainable architecture, arts, and nature. They will also learn about one of the oldest practiced religions of the world, i.e. Zoroastrianism.