If anyone tells you “let’s go get a drink”, please don’t expect a beverage with alcohol in Iran. Rather, you will be served a drink in the spectrum of non-alcoholic fruit punches, cocktails, juices, smoothies, sharbats, tea or coffee. Yes, I should break it to you that alcoholic beverages are not presented as drinking options at restaurants, shops or supermarkets in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Alcohol in Iran is illegal. There’s not even a single bar! And here is why.





Alcohol In Iran

Drinking Policy for Tourists in Iran in 2022

Would it be too surprising if I told you that alcoholic drinks will hardly accompany you in Iran? Well, fortunately or not, this is the case. You might have already heard a thing or two about this.

This is no news for Iranians. The law has been established according to the Islamic law for Iranian Muslim citizens, after the Islamic Revolution of 1979.


Is alcohol legal in Iran?

As of 1979, producing, consuming, or selling any type of alcoholic drinks, including beers, has been ruled illegal in Iran. As Islamic laws determine the terms of Iran’s constitution, the law is consistent with the Islamic principle. According to the principle, sobriety is a value and drunkenness, as a means of losing one’s control, is a vice. Alcohol, if overused, will result in a losing of one’s control and possibly public indecency. This is unacceptable by Islamic law, which emphasizes moral behavior.

Therefore, you will not be able to find alcoholic drinks sold at the markets. Needless to say, there are no bars or pubs where you can sit and drink. Sorry! Besides this, any kind of drink, sweets, foodies that include alcohol in their preparation process or ingredients will not be available.

The law also applies to drinking while driving, drunken driving, as well as carrying drinks. If anyone is found guilty by producing and selling alcoholic drinks or getting drunk in a Muslim country, they will face punishment by law.



Can you drink alcohol in Iran?

Even though it is illegal to drink alcohol in Iran, you can still find alcoholic drinks. These drinks are either made at home or smuggled into the country. So, the possibility of finding and drinking alcoholic drinks in Iran is not a null. However, this increases the chance of distributing counterfeit drinks. Every year, a considerable number of people lose their lives because of drinking fake drinks in Iran. So, while you may find it in Iran, it’s better to say no to it when offered.


Are there any exceptions to the law?

According to the same law, only religious minorities are allowed to produce and consume alcohol. This is only because the minorities, such as Christians, need drinks like wine for their rituals, religious ceremonies. An example is the Eucharist. They can also consume alcohol in private, in gatherings that are all Christians.

Please note that Iran is home to a considerable population of Armenians and Assyrians who are Christians. It is not considered illegal for them to use alcoholic drinks for certain purposes.


Do Iranian hotels serve alcohol?

As alcohol consumption is banned countrywide, alcohol is not served in hotels. In addition to the hotels, you will not find it served in the restaurants or cafes either. These are considered as public places which have to abide by the country’s laws.


Is alcohol available in Iran?

Despite strict rules and regulations, alcoholic drinks are still available in Iran. The majority of the alcohol sold in Iran is smuggled into the country via its land borders in the west. Another source is home-based production which yields products such as wine, beer, and a kind of drink similar to homemade vodka.




Can I bring alcohol to Iran?

If you think you can bring your favorite drinks with yourself for the time span that you will be in Iran, better think again. All suitcases and handbags are inspected upon arriving in Iran. Be it a land entry or airport entry, expect all of your bags be checked with high-accuracy an x-ray machine.
In case you bring along some bottles and they’re found on the borderline, nothing special will happen. In most cases the bottles are confiscated and the travelers is free to enter Iran without them. The same thing happens for chocolates containing alcoholic drinks. In general,Bringing alcohol into Iran is forbidden by law.


Can you buy alcohol in Iran?

While alcoholic drinks are absent in Iran’s supermarkets, you can find nonalcoholic beers at the supermarkets. They come in different tastes too.


Drinking policy for tourists in Iran in 2022

Drinking rules in Iran apply to everyone in Iran. Even the non-Muslim Iranians, don’t consume alcoholic drinks in public. So, when you’re planning to travel to Iran, you should expect an alcohol-free experience.
Even if you may be lucky to find a type of drink somewhere, we’d advise you not to take it. The thing is, with the legal prohibition of selling alcoholic drinks, a large black market has been developed. Now, all sorts of drinks may be sold, but it’s really hard to tell if the product is fake from its packaging. Unfortunately, there have been many cases of death by alcoholic poisoning during the past years. So, it’s better to stir clear from it and consume only soft drinks.




What can you drink instead of alcohol in Iran?

Now that the option for alcoholic drinks is ruled out, you may wonder what you can drink! Well, welcome to the land of soft drinks! Besides the common pops—such as Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, etc. – you will find nonalcoholic beers. These either come as rough nonalcoholic beers or flavored with fruit essence.

But that’s not our favorite part. Iran is home to different kinds of drinks. Check these out:

• Sharbat is a kind of sweet and cold drink. Sharbat usually refers to the extract of certain fruits and vegetables, which are usually mixed with sweeteners and served cold. You can either order this beverage at cafes or buy bottled sharbats in supermarkets. Sharbat is the perfect drink for the hot days of summer.



• Dough is one of the popular Iranian drinks, normally served with the main course. Basically, this drink is a mixture of yogurt (usually sour tasting yogurt), water, salt and sometimes herbs. The drink has a salty and sour taste, and is better to be taken cold. Even though dough is more popular in the summer, Iranians drink it during different seasons.



• Damnoosh and teas are the kind of drinks that can by no means replace alcohol. But still Iranian tea and different kinds of brewed drinks are the best option for any traveler who like to try something popular in the country.



  • Drinking alcohol is illegal in Iran (especially in public)
  • Transportation of alcoholic beverages is prohibited




Is alcohol illegal in Iran?

The very question points to something on the contrary side of the story. The answer, is no. Based on Islamic principles, which make the foundation for the constitution of Iran, consuming, buying, and selling alcoholic beverages is illegal in Iran.

Are there bars in Iran?

As it is illegal to publicly consume alcoholic drinks or trade them, you will not find any bars or pubs in Iran. Not even in cafes or restaurants is the drink served.

Do Iranian hotels serve alcohol?

Even though hotels do their best for their guests to spend a pleasant time, they are not allowed to serve alcohol.

Can you drink alcohol in the hotels of Iran?

The hotels of Iran do not serve alcoholic drinks. In case you find a drink outside and carry it with yourself, you can drink it inside your room. But this will be considered against the rules of the hotel.

Can I bring alcohol to Iran?

Bringing alcohol to Iran is not allowed. Bags and suitcases are usually inspected by x-ray machines. When they spot containers suspicious of containing alcoholic drinks, the owner is asked to open the bag and show it. If it’s an alcoholic drink, then it the officer takes it.

Can tourists drink alcohol in Iran?

The very act of drinking alcohol in Iran is prohibited especially for Muslim citizens and in public places. The religious minorities in Iran are allowed to produce and keep alcohol in their homes for their own rituals or personal use. For this reason, alcohol in Iran for tourists is available. But they are not allowed to carry it with themselves outside, sell it, or consume it in public. In addition, drunk presence in the public is not allowed and will result in the detainment of the person, be it a Christian citizen or otherwise.
As such, we can say that tourists can drink alcohol in Iran, but only in private spaces and to moderate amounts.

Can tourists buy alcohol in Iran?

Purchasing alcohol in Iran is always possible. You can find a variety of alcoholic drinks in the black market for multiple times their original price. As a tourist, you may be able to find a trustworthy supplier and purchase it. But the thing is it will be hard to find a supplier in the first place. Then again, there is always the chance that the drink is fake and will result in serious health issues.

How much is the price of alcohol in Iran?

As alcohol is not sold at the markets nor is it served in the restaurants, cafes, or hotels, alcohol is usually distributed by suppliers in the black market. The very name black market makes it is clear that the price you pay for the drink should be multiple times the original price. While prices vary from drink to drink, and some brands are usually more expensive, whatever you pay for the drink in Iran is much more expensive than its real price.


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