Festival of Rose and Rose water is one of the most fragrant festivals in which rosewater is made. Some cities in Iran hold this festival, at the top in Kashan. In this article, we are going to take a look at when and where these festivals take place, and how you can take part in them. We’ll also have a brief look at the benefits and uses of rosewater.

What is Rosewater?

Rosewater, known as Golab in Iran, is one of the products of Damask rose (Gole Mohammadi). It is flavored water with an uplifting scent made from water and rose petals. This fragrant fluid has been used in the Middle East, especially in Iran, not only as a drink but also for medical uses.

Benefits and Uses of Rosewater?

Rosewater is one of the most commonly used drinks in traditional medicine. It’s good for the stomach, heart, liver, and nerves.
In Iran, it is used mostly in mournings, due to its incredible calming effect on the mind. It is also consumed as a drink to ease the stress. If you have sleeping problems, using rosewater as a drink could help you. In addition to all that, it is helpful for skin; to reduce its redness or soothe its irritation. This fragrant fluid partly stimulates blood flow and stimulates skin tissue to produce new cells and many more.

What Is Festival of Rose and Rosewater (Golabgiri)?

Festival of Rose and Rose water which is known as Golab-Giri in Iran, is the process of making rosewater. A traditional ceremony that takes place in spring, when the flowers are ready to be picked. The production of rosewater in Iran dates back to 2500 years ago, and although modern factories are constructed, a large part of it is still done traditionally.

The festival happens to be one of the most engaging attractions for tourists. It gives the opportunity of not only witnessing this captivating ceremony but also taking part in its production.

As the leading center of rosewater production, Kashan Rosewater Festival is filled with bright colors, the fragrance of roses, traditional dances, and music. Besides, there is the hospitality of locals, which you can hardly ever find anywhere else. The uniqueness of the festival is mainly centered on its cultural, artistic and social aspects.

The festival of making rosewater starts with men and women harvesting flowers early in the morning so that they won’t lose their freshness.
First, they will pour the collected flowers along with water into copper pots. These pots are placed on an oven made of brick and cement or stones and mud. Then, they’ll kindle the fire. While the water boils, rosewater steam is released with essential oils, which condenses and flows through aluminum pipes into a special container. The entire distillation process takes about 4 hours. Apporiximetly, 30 Kg of flowers will make 40 liters rosewater.

Time of Festival of Rose and Rosewater

The ceremony starts early in the morning, at dawn. It’s important to know that it begins before it gets warm. As for the season, it is in the spring, but there is no exact month. Although you might have read or heard that it takes place in late-April, you must note that it is NOT for certain and it could change every year. It’s because that the exact time is when the weather is suitable and flowers are ready to be harvested. The best way to find out the exact time is to contact locals or those working in the field.

Would you like to experience this amazing festival? Check out our tour or contact us to see if your timing fits the festival or not.

Which Cities Hold Rosewater Festival?

Different cities in Iran hold this festival, such as Qamsar and Niyasar in Kashan, Meymand in Shiraz, and Laleh Zar in Kerman. Among all, Kashan is where this festival started, became known and now is where it takes place as an attraction to visitors from all over Iran and the globe.

Qamsar is known for having the highest quality of rosewater in the world; Kaaba in Mecca, the most sacred place for Muslims, is washed by Qamsar rosewater. It is also exported to many countries such as France and Bulgaria. This quality is due to the natural and climatic conditions of Qamsar. The city is located about 31 kilometers south of Kashan and is encircled by mountains. These mountains protect the city from the heat of the desert, which makes it the ideal environment for being a garden city!